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THE HUMMVIEWER IS A WEARABLE, HUMMINGBIRD FEEDER MASK. As Seen on Shark Tank on December 02, 2022 The HummViewer offers an observational sensory experience to feed and view hummingbirds up close. It allows for multiple ways to experience hummingbirds so that you can comfortably watch while they perform their aerial acrobatics as they hover in for a drink. Experience these magnificent creatures yourself through the magic of the HummViewer. We have not used this device but it surely looks cool and functional.
Anna's hummingbird (Calypte anna) physiological response to novel thermal and hypoxic conditions at high elevations
Posted by Douglas on
ABSTRACT Many species have not tracked their thermal niches upslope as predicted by climate change, potentially because higher elevations are associated with abiotic challenges beyond temperature. To better predict whether organisms can continue to move upslope with rising temperatures, we need to understand their physiological performance when subjected to novel high-elevation conditions. Here, we captured Anna's hummingbirds – a species expanding their elevational distribution in concordance with rising temperatures – from across their current elevational distribution and tested their physiological response to novel abiotic conditions. First, at a central aviary within their current elevational range, we measured hovering metabolic rate...
Hummingbirds in cold weather
Posted by Douglas on
This author seems perplexed but Anna's Hummingbirds are rather common cold weather visitors to feeders in the Pacific Northwest See our info on How to Feed Hummingbirds in Cold Weather
- Tags: cold weather, pacific northwest, snow
Hummingbird Sense of Smell
Posted by Douglas on
Ashley Y. Kim · David T. Rankin · Erin E. Wilson Rankin Abstract Hummingbirds utilize visual cues to locate flowers, but little is known about the role olfaction plays in nectar foraging despite observations that hummingbirds avoid resources occupied by certain insects. We investigated the behavioral responses of both wild and captive hummingbirds to olfactory cues of hymenopteran floral visitors, including native wood ants (Formica francoeuri), invasive Argentine ants (Linepithema humile), and European honeybees (Apis mellifera). We demonstrate for the first time that hummingbirds use olfaction to make foraging decisions when presented with insect-derived chemical cues under field and aviary conditions. Both wild and captive hummingbirds avoided...
- Tags: Behavioral avoidance, Foraging, Olfaction, smell
“Free” food: nectar bats at hummingbird feeders in southern Arizona
Posted by Douglas on
Theodore H. Fleming,*, Scott Richardson, and Emily H. Scobie University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL 33124, USA (THF) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arizona Ecological Services Office, 201 North Bonita Avenue, Suite 141, Tucson, AZ 85745, USA (SR) Arizona Game and Fish Department, 5000 W. Carefree Highway, Phoenix, AZ 85086, USA (EHS) * Correspondent: We report the results of an 11-year (2008–2018) community science project (also known as citizen science) designed to document the use of hummingbird feeders by two species of nectar-feeding bats, the lesser longnosed bat (Leptonycteris yerbabuenae) and the Mexican long-tongued bat (Choeronycteris mexicana), in the Tucson area of southern Arizona....