In 2009 we started a revolution for better hummingbird nutrition. Join Us!
We have tested and used all the products on our web site. It is our belief that any nature product is a great purchase. We offer our customers practical and functional products and accessories that both humans and hummingbirds will appreciate using daily. In our quest to be the best, we are in constant contact with the scientific hummingbird community, bird clubs and product manufacturers to assure that you are presented with the most accurate and up-to-date hummingbird information and products.
Feeding hummingbirds is not complex, but just logical and simple procedures. It should be a joyful experience to provide hummingbirds with safe products that not only enable them to survive, but to thrive.
Please allow us to help you enjoy hummingbirds, answer any questions and/or eliminate any frustrations you may have previously experienced.

Sir David Attenborough
On his September 27, 2020 CBS News 60 Minutes interview and his comments regarding the state of the planet and his lifetime of nature productions.
He concludes--------> "Well, thank you very much, I'll stay where I am and watch hummingbirds".
I surely agree.
Dr. H. Ross Hawkins/ Founder Hummingbird Society
June 9, 1939 to July 9, 2020
Hummingbird nectar
Our clear nectar simulates the natural nectar of nature’s flowers as well as, if not better than, any other nectar available and is more cost effective than any nectar on the market.
Different species of flowers produce different sugars. After much research we have formulated our nectar into a precise blend of those sugars.
Like Mother Nature’s nectar, Hummingbird Market nectar is a formula featuring a blend of sucrose, fructose and glucose. And, without the inclusion of any potentially harmful additives such as preservatives, stabilizers, enhancers, or coloring. Our nectar is digested and absorbed as 100% energy, giving the birds an equal return on energy expended. Other commercial nectars and homemade solutions may only deliver less of a hummingbird's required energy needs, leaving them energy deficient.
We recommend using a recipe of four (4) parts warm tap water to one (1) part nectar for optimal results. Our nectar satisfies a hummers search for sweetness as our ingredients are sweeter than table sugar. Humans erroneously believe more concentrated is sweeter--- this is certainly not always true in nature---it is the ingredients.
Our long-time customers are extremely loyal to our nectar, as their testimonials demonstrate. Your hummingbird's loyalty to our nectar will soon become evident to you, too. Hummingbird Market nectar enables your hummingbirds to thrive!
Hummingbirds are not interested in the brand of feeder, where you purchased or the cost. What interests them is a feeder that is clean and provides a regular supply of nectar. They also like feeders with perches as they allow the hummer a brief rest. Note that hummers expend an enormous amount of energy just hovering for food---thus the amount of effort expended is minimized by offering feeders with perches.
And perches permit people to get a better view of their guests.
Select feeders that are functional rather than a gifty ceramic upside-down strawberry type. They should be robust enough to last years and they should function properly. Most people want a feeder that is pleasing to their eye though ultimately, the hummers will be the ones to choose.
We human hummer feeders often have preferred designs for feeders, but there is probably no single “best” design that covers all important characteristics. We have selected hummingbird feeders that disassemble easily for cleaning and maintenance, provide good viewing of the birds using the feeder, and are durable and bee-resistant. The latter often translates to “non-drippy” though there are other factors involved in bee resistance.
There are really only a handful of basic designs for a hummingbird feeder though the details and execution (and the effectiveness) of the designs can vary widely. We have tested them all and offer, what we feel is the best-of-the-best.
Hummingbird Accessories
There are many products available and we have selected what we consider to be the best pest barriers, nesting material and feeder hanging devices. And a couple of handy guides for identifying your visitors.
Science of Nectar
Join the revolution for better hummingbird nutrition.
Since 2010 we have formulated and manufactured our own proprietary nectar. A blend of ‘All Natural’ sugars that most closely replicates nectar from Mother Nature’s flowers.
Hummingbird Market nectar is the preferred nectar of hundreds-of-thousands of hummingbirds in the United States. Hummingbird Market nectar enables your hummingbirds to thrive! Hummingbird Market nectar energizes and hydrates the birds. Your hummingbirds will remain loyal to the feeder.
Hummingbird Market nectar is the only nectar that offers sucrose, fructose and glucose---just as real flowers.
Our research and understanding of the hummingbird’s nutritional requirements led us to develop a superior nutritional product--- far beyond any commercial standard. We have performed our own research with high-performance liquid chromatography on hundreds of flowers that hummingbirds frequent
2025 Hummingbird Society Festival
Festival Dates
Friday-Sunday, July 25-27, 2025
Workshop Dates
Thursday July 24, 2025
(Hummingbird Central and Speaker Presentations)
Sedona Performing Arts Center (SPAC) and gymnasium
995 Upper Red Rock Loop Road, Sedona AZ
(Purchase tickets for presentations and off-site activities)
Please leave your pets at home.
Registration and Attendee Packet Pick-Up
At Hummingbird Central
Thursday, July 24, 3 – 5pm
Friday, July 25, 8:30am – 5pm
Saturday, July 26, 8:30am – 5pm
Sunday, July 27, 8:30am – noon
Feeding Hummingbirds Quick List
1. Offer quality blend of sugars for your nectar.
2. Use a high quality functional feeder.
3. Feeders should be absolutely clean. Polluted/ contaminated feeders are not only bad for hummers, but they will likely never return to the feeder.
4. Don't wait for the hummers to consume all the nectar. Change nectar every two to three days in hot weather, every four to five days in cooler weather. The feeder should be thoroughly cleaned each time the nectar is changed.
5. Please have patience to allow hummingbirds to find your feeder.
• Place feeders in shade whenever possible.
• UV stable polycarbonate is the highest recommended material for feeders that are in direct sun. Most manufacturers of such feeders offer lifetime guarantees on their products.
• Change nectar often to prevent fermentation and mold or bacteria build-up. Twice a week is highly recommended in general. Particular circumstances, such as extremely hot or cold daily temperatures, may determine a longer or shorter “freshness time” for nectar. Fermented nectar (left out too long) is giving your hummingbirds a license to fly drunk. Avoid this happening by keeping a regular schedule for cleaning and refilling.
• Avoid using soaps. Some people use bleach, or vinegar when cleaning feeders between refills. Using hot water and a brush/ sponge will leave no residues.
• Never use red food coloring.
• Avoid additives. Keep it pure and simple.
• Never use honey, organic sugar, cane or agave syrup, or brown sugar. These sweeteners contain many natural elements that may be safe for humans but may be harmful to hummers. They contain too much iron, calcium, etc.
• Hummingbirds do not suck nectar. Their tongues lick up nectar at a high rate of speed – 13-20 times per second!
• Boiling water (not nectar) for making nectar is good for several reasons. It eliminates chlorine and any potentially harmful bacteria/ microbes, and retards fermentation by at least 24 hours. Allow to cool before adding nectar.
• Avoid distilled and purified bottle waters.
• It is believed that hummingbirds have an internal navigation system akin to a GPS system. They will always return to favorite feeders that have the best nectar for them.
• Most feeders have the color red incorporated into their manufacture. For feeders that lack enough color, try tying a red ribbon to the feeder or paint some red nail polish around the food ports. Once they find it for the first time, their little GPS system will effectively enable them to return to the same exact location time after time.
• There are many feeders on the market – some better than others – in quality and attractiveness to hummingbirds. The least expensive feeders are the ones that most often experience the common problems – leaking, dripping, not bee/ant proof, poor quality of materials, not UV stable, etc.
• Locate feeders near nectar producing flowers, if possible.
• Hummingbirds are very territorial, especially adult males who expend extraordinary energy defending “their” nectar supply. To encourage cooperation and not competition at the feeder, consider placing multiple feeders out of sight of each other and you may be rewarded with adult females and juveniles sharing a feeder.
• Hang multiple feeders at different heights above ground level to attract more hummers. Some hummers prefer low and Rufous prefer a higher vantage point.
• At nesting time a reliable source of nectar will encourage momma hummingbird to nest nearby. Thus, reducing travel time from feeder to nest. And perhaps facilitating another brood. Then you'll have adults, first brood and then second brood.