
Hummingbird Banding - The Lasting Legacy of Toolmaker Lee Rogers

Posted by Douglas on

Bird banding is the main method to monitor hummingbird diversity and abundance, range expansion, and longevity. Measuring and banding the smallest birds in the world requires exact and small customized tools. Earlier hummingbird banders tinkered with many iterations of tools and bands until Lee Rogers, a former IBM engineer turned innovative toolmaker in Patagonia, started to design better tools to minimize the impact on hummingbirds. Link to Tucson Audubon

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Green Living Magazine

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HUMMINGBIRD MARKET For the bird lover on your list, Hummingbird Market offers a meaningful and sustainable gift option. Specializing in premium feeders and expertly crafted nectar, this local business is dedicated to supporting the well-being of Arizona’s avian wildlife. Hummingbird Market’s nectar stands out for its unique formula, which replicates the nutrition hummingbirds naturally obtain from flowers. “We studied 237 flowers to replicate what hummingbirds consume in nature,” shares Douglas Everett, founder of Hummingbird Market. Their kits, featuring the Aspects Mini Feeder and proprietary nectar, are customer favorites. Designed to prevent leaks, deter pests, and ensure bird health, these kits...

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Southern Living Magazine

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We were recently mentioned in Southern Living Magazine regarding our opinion(s) about the 10 best hummingbird feeders of 2024. We agree with the Aspects and First Nature feeders and surely recommend the Best-1 hummingbird feeders.

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Hummingbird ingestion of low-concentration ethanol within artificial nectar

Posted by Douglas on

Abstract Both frugivores and nectarivores are potentially exposed to dietary ethanol produced by fermentative yeasts which metabolize sugars. Some nectarivorous mammals exhibit a preference for low-concentration ethanol solutions compared to controls of comparable caloric content, but behavioural responses to ethanol by nectar-feeding birds are unknown. We investigated dietary preference by Anna's Hummingbirds (Calypte anna) for ethanol-enhanced sucrose solutions. Via repeated binary-choice experiments, three adult male hummingbirds were exposed to sucrose solutions containing 0%, 1% or 2% ethanol; rates of volitional nectar consumption were measured over a 3 h interval. Hummingbirds did not discriminate between 0% and 1% ethanol solutions, but...

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Bats at Hummingbird Feeders

Posted by Douglas Everett on

Are your hummingbird feeders being drained at night? Great, you are indeed helping endangered species. Most of Arizona's 28 bat species eat insects, but the federally endangered Lesser long-nosed bats (Leptonycteris yerbabuenae), and the Arizona species of concern Mexican long-tongued bats (Choeronycteris mexicana), drink nectar from hummingbird feeders, and also eat pollen and fruits from plants such as the saguaro and agave. The bats migrate north from Mexico and arrive in southern Arizona as the Saguaro cactus and agave begin to bloom, traveling throughout southern Arizona and then they return south in the fall. In the fall I usually remove...

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